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Florida Dog Trainer

The Schelers
Ever since my husband, Jeremy, was little he’s always dreamed of having a dog of his own, after all a dog is a man’s best friend, right?! I on the other hand, not so much! While Jeremy was deployed to Iraq we had an opportunity to get Gunny, our Labrador Retriever. We have two boys ages 6 and 3, who had been asking for a puppy for as long as I can remember!
Gunny was showered with attention and affection from both boys, but nothing like he was when Jeremy came home from deployment two months later! He followed Jeremy everywhere he went, to the bathroom he would sit by the door or even go in with him! If the boys had friends over and they were playing, Gunny would jump all over them and he loved to rough play! Gunny also became very jealous of the boys and I when Jeremy would show attention and affection to us. The whining and his constant need for attention was almost unbearable. When we would do P90X we would have to take Gunny’s kennel and put him in a completely different room because he would whine and bark constantly. I was at the point to where I honestly wanted to get rid of him, he was just too much. I couldn’t bond with him at all, he seriously made me have anxiety!
The day that James came to our house for a consultation within an hour of him sitting in our living room we saw a sparkle in his eye and saw how well behaved and calm Gunny was with him on his leash. Gunny had not listened that well to Jeremy and I, ever! And, here James Hamm was sitting in our living room and could get him to be still within an hour and hardly saying two words! Immediately we knew that sending Gunny to training was something that we needed to do.
I can honestly say that he is a more enjoyable dog all around. The boys and play with Jeremy ride piggy back and rough play in the house and Gunny is so calm and most of the time just falls asleep in his place. James taught Gunny how to be calm, that playing is for outside only. When we do our P90X now, he falls asleep right by us!! We can go for a walk without him even on a leash and with his nose in the air! Haha. Before he was pulling us and had his nose in the ground the entire time. Outside he doesn’t run and jump up to greet someone, he’ll kindly give a sniff and wait for a pat hello.
Our family can not thank James enough for training our dog as well as educating us. He took the time to show Gunny how to become a family pet that everyone can enjoy, as well as give us the knowledge to continue with his training afterwards.
Thank you so very much James! For everything! We are now very PROUD and HAPPY to have Gunny apart of our family. Our experience has been wonderful and would recommend anyone to James Hamm!
The Scheler’s
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